Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Homeoprophylaxis {A Birth Circle Topic}

Laura Kenndy, NMD is our guest blogger and presenter for YC Birth Circle. 
September's topic was :: Homeoprophylaxis ::

Dr. Kennedy writes,

We are researching Homeoprophylaxis (HP) as an alternative to the current vaccination practice. The goal of HP is to stimulate the immune system is such a way that it knows how to get sick and how to recover. HP does this using nosodes, which are the viruses and only the viruses in a very diluted form which is given as a pellet under the tongue.
The current vaccination schedule introduces 14 diseases in 36 doses in the first year of life and 16 diseases in 69 doses from birth to 18 years of age. MMR and DTaP introduce 3 diseases at one time. 
We know that an infant under the age of 1 year has not developed an immune system capable of producing antibodies. In addition, the vaccines contain additives, adjuvants and use an attenuation process that further exposes this immature immune system to foreign substances and could set the stage for behavioral problems, auto-immune diseases, digestive disorders and chronic illnesses. 
Our research goal is to demonstrate an effective immune response as is evidenced by an improvement in all parameters of health. I encourage every parent to read The Solution, Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott. 
The ISBN is 9781480001916 and it is available on Amazon.com.

If you are interested in being part of this study or learning more about Homeoprophylaxis,
please contact Dr. Kennedy or another accredited homeopathic supervisor. 

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