Monday, January 20, 2014


Today when I picked up my almost seven year old from school, I learned something about one of his friends. I learned that his friend is circumcised.

How did I learn this you ask? What are these boys doing during recess? Is this a hot topic in elementary school?

Let me explain....

Sunday, January 12, 2014

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

Gender neutral clothing can be so hard to find these days! I feel that I must carry this in the Verde Valley's Peek a Boutique!
Birth Photography is a wonderful way to capture those moments that you will probably not otherwise remember. We hire photographers for family shoots, weddings, birthdays; why aren't more folks hiring photographers to capture the birth of their children? Yes, it is a very intimate time. But that's why it's important to hire the right photographer! You won't even know she's there!
Sleeping children by 8:30 PM?!?! That is so my accomplishment of the week!! 
Kittens are sung about in this classic musical, The Sound of Music, and they are definitely one of my favorite things. Raindrops...? I'm not so sure. Being an Arizona native makes me prefer a more dry climate.
Adventure is a must for my family. Check out my Pinterest boards for Places I'd like to go and my Favorite Places & Spaces.
Church on Sunday mornings.
Reading is something I can't live without! Currently I'm enjoying the Ender's series. I've fallen in love with books such as The Red Tent, Plain Truth, The Space Between Us, but really enjoy series' like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and I love all things Dan Brown!

Hope you enjoyed learning a bit about me :) other than my passion for birth, babies and families!
Lovin this Journey of Life!

Tell me about you! What are a few of your favorite things?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Words

I've said it before and I'll say it again, and again, and again- The words we use are so very powerful!

There are the obvious choice words that have a negative impact, 

like "my" epidural. Or, "when would you like your epidural?"
and "my doctor is going to let me"
and my least favorite, "I had to get induced"

And then there's the more subtle words, who's impact is quietly wreaking havoc

like "due date" -two little words that don't really mean what you think they mean. 
It used to be that a baby was due, or rather expected, within a certain season or "around Christmas" whereas now, we've come to expect a baby by a certain day! This idea, that a baby should come by a certain day, is enforced by our care providers, by insurance companies, by well meaning friends and family and now, by pregnancy announcements! I recently saw an announcement, beautifully creative with charming colors and cliche phrases referring to a bun in the oven.  It was all fine and dandy until that announcement made known that the baby would be cooked by 7/26/14*. STOP!! For real?! Your due date is not an expiration date! Now I'm sure the well meaning designers of this particular announcement and the loving family were not necessarily trying to imply that this is truly what they thought but when we see things like this over and over again, when we repeat "July 26" over and over again and then that date comes and goes... it really has an impact. The wording in this seemingly harmless announcement encourages the idea that a baby is done being in utero precisely when we say so.
Infographic by: Birth By Heart

Too many women are under the impression that when they pass their "due date" they are "overdue" when in fact ACOG states post dates is past 42 weeks!  Thankfully, not all beautiful announcements are quite such precise recipes; just remember, your due date is simply a guesstimate of the time period around when your baby may decide to be born. ACOG's most recent guidelines are

So, when is your baby due?? Let's say "early spring"

*All dates and time periods and fictional and simply for example. Any similarities to real life scenarios is simply coincidence.

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Jennifer Valencia | Labor & Postpartum Doula | 928.300.1337


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