The mission behind the Rally to Improve Birth is not about
convincing women to abandon the system. It’s not about hospital birth or home
birth. It’s about bringing evidence-based care and humanity to childbirth –
wherever that takes place.
There are some folks who refuse to be affected by the
system; those who live off the grid and do choose their own path. Not everyone will
birth their children unassisted, with no one else present. I understand the
frustration with the system but the system isn’t all that it’s about – it’s
about awareness. It’s about bringing the concept
of evidence-based care to the average mother; the mother who might not realize
she shouldn’t hire a surgeon for her normal, healthy, low-risk pregnancy; the
mother who doesn’t know that 40 weeks is a guestimate and it’s common to go
past; the mother who is told she is “not allowed” to have a vaginal birth.
As a vbac mom I know the frustration with the new statutesin Arizona and while I don’t agree with the changes in the system, it is at the
very least something that has
happened here; while they are nowhere near ideal, it has brought attention to
the issue. Will I hire an LM under those regulations? I don’t know. Will I use
our local birth center? I don’t know. Will I plan for an unassisted birth? I
don’t know. Will I travel to Phoenix again, or Flagstaff? I don’t know. But
look at that – I have options.
Every woman, in every situation has options. But so many
don’t realize it. The Rally to Improve Birth, as it grows each year, is
bringing attention to these very issues; the issues of induction and vbac and
EFM and autonomy. It’s not just about wanting evidence-based care to be
provided by health care providers but also about women understanding that there
is such a thing as evidence-based care and that it is lacking in the U.S.
The theme this year, #breakthesilence is raising awareness
to the birth trauma that happens every single day here! Women are
#improvingbirthbecause they may have not received evidence-based care and they
want now want to advocate for humanity in childbirth!
While some have thrown their arms up in the air and
proclaimed their mission to be #abandonthesystem –not all women are going to do
that and for those that don’t ImprovingBirth.org is sparking the change in providers,
hospitals and consumers, which could bring evidence-based care and humanity in
childbirth to the women who choose to remain part of the system.
Thank you for those who have shown your support and stand
with the Rally to Improve Birth, bringing your wisdom and information to our rally
attendees! I hope you'll join us for the first annual 5k Fun Run!!
In love and
Rally Coordinator,