Monday, February 16, 2015

Grace Loved Her Natural BREECH Birth!

Hi there readers!! So first, I have to apologize for my hiatus but here I am and looking forward to getting back to sharing more great pregnancy, labor, birth and baby goodness with you again!

For those of you who are local, many of you know I am going to Texas this week to bring Birth Boot Camp to AZ!!! Let me say that again
I am going to TEXAS this week!
I'm not sure which of those I am more excited about!

Birth Boot Camp

is committed to training couples in natural birth and breastfeeding through accessible, contemporary education.

For more info click the link below
childbirth education az, childbirth classes az, breastfeeding, natural birth

So recently, BBC held a contest where moms like you shared why they loved their natural birth. 
This is when I discovered Birth Boot Camp had a YouTube channel! How cool is that?!

Check out this mama's video and others (one even raps!) that entered the contest..

Contact info

Jennifer Valencia | Labor & Postpartum Doula | 928.300.1337


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